Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Beginning...

I live in a 2nd floor condo with an east-facing screened-in balcony.  I try to eat only organic produce and meats, but that gets awfully expensive after awhile.  I've thought about growing some veggies and herbs on my balcony, but I've killed every house plant I have ever owned.  When we lived in a house, we tried to plant a veggie garden and everything died there, too. 

I first heard about aquaponics when I attended a conference where one of the presenters was Colle Davis, the founder of Portable Farms.  My husband and I thought this was genius and started researching how to do this ourselves.  At the time we figured we might do it some time in the future, when we were in a house with a yard again.  But then, during our research, we found Friendly Aquaponics

Friendly Aquaponics offers designs and plans for micro-aquaponics systems.  Small enough that we could put one on our kitchen counter if we wanted to!  So we decided we would purchase Friendly's plans and use this to design a system for our balcony.

I spent hours reading through the materials and searching online for all of the parts I would need.  I felt like I had a pretty good understanding of what I would need to do and that I could probably find everything I needed, but I still felt like I needed some hand-holding before I could start.  Plus, we are fortunate to have more money than time.  While I am sure I could eventually build and implement a system on my own, I am also sure it would cost many hours of frustration and probably take way longer than it needed to.

Further research brought me to Sahib Punjabi and Sahib Aquaponics.  Sahib is two hours down the road in Winter Park, Florida.  We have exchanged some emails and I am hopeful that we will be able to work together to design an ideal system for my balcony.  I am even more hopeful that he will quote me a reasonable price to pretty much put it all together so that I can just load it up in the trunk of my car, drive it back to Jacksonville and put it together on my patio. is what I am starting with:

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